Wagh bakri premium leaf tea, this amazing tea is handpicked from the best tea gardens and blended by tea experts. Wagh bakri premium leaf tea ensures a strong taste, rich colour and a stimulating aroma.
Black tea leaves with natural spice flavourings of ginger, black pepper, cardamon, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and piper longum
Svarta teblad med naturliga kryddsmakningar av ingefära, svartpeppar, kardem, kanel, kryddnejlika, muskotnöt och piper longum
Black tea leaves with natural spice flavourings of ginger, black pepper, cardamon, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and piper longum
Svarta teblad med naturliga kryddsmakningar av ingefära, svartpeppar, kardem, kanel, kryddnejlika, muskotnöt och piper longum